Russia persecuting JW's doesn't bother the WT Society. What really bugs them is the confiscation of WT assets. Anything that costs them money will get a response.
George is on collision course with russia.
the may wt study edition is full of prophesy related to the time of the end and what we have read so much in isaiah and jeremia bookstudy publications.. they found their enemy again. needs enemy's to exist.
Russia persecuting JW's doesn't bother the WT Society. What really bugs them is the confiscation of WT assets. Anything that costs them money will get a response.
is anyone prepping by buying food that has a long shelf life?
i have been messing with it for years.
buying fat free powder milk, bullion cubes, rice, beans dried, and other things that has a shelf life of 25 years.
We have always kept a really good store cupboard of foodstuffs. Our parents did before us. It's not for Armageddon or nuclear war but just in case the weather is really bad one winter and it's difficult to get out or if we are both ill and don't fancy trailing to the shops. We could manage for months if need be.
However, as one member (WTWizard?) wrote recently, we never tell anyone.
2020-02-19 letter.
italian translation needed to verify if the coronavirus has suspended the preaching activity.
i think that is what this letter is about.. .
I'm really surprised they didn't advise keeping up to date on jwdotorg where they could still make their financial donations.
satan is the number one enemy of gods chosen ones a.k.a.
the jw's.. as far as they are concerned, this whole world belongs to the devil and is designed by him to make life hard for true christians.
with that in mind, why has satan made it easier than ever before to preach the good news?
There are many in my congregation that could not survive without Satan and his Social Services. Many have never worked in their entire life due to "illness" but still manage to pioneer and collect their DSS allowances. They always seem to run a newish car and have all the latest technology gizmos.
useful information for students of history - why are bat viruses so deadly.. a bat virus may be responsible for the highly infectious coronavirus respiratory illness in wuhan china.. long ago, when i was growing up in a tiny fishing village on the far south coast of new south wales, some people still ate flying foxes, which were a type of bat.
they were kept in cages "to fatten them up," then killed and cooked.
i do not recall any specific sicknesses that may have swept that village.. other wild creatures were also eaten.
Here in the UK the advice to avoid contact with bats as they can carry rabies. Not so long ago a young girl picked up a bat in a church and it bit her and she subsequently died.
i just had this flashback when commenting on another thread about how they used to announce reproof or dfing from the platform.
at least in our congregation, it was a dramatic event (this is what i can remember from back in the mid-late 60's or early 70's when i was a kid).. at the end of the service meeting, just before singing the final song, the brother would announce, "we have a letter that must be read.
the "congregation servant" (my grandfather or later my father) would then slowly walk from the back of the kh to the platform.
I remember back in the1970's an elder in the congregation was disfellowshipped, he had been caught having an affair with the woman he was studying with.
The brother that made the announcement started his talk with an illustration of the pretty and quaint cottages on a Mediterranean island. From a distance they look beautiful but if you were to get up close you would see that the lovely paintwork was all cracked and the wood beneath was totally rotten. That's just how brother --- is, and he has been disfellowshipped. He then went on at length about adultery.
I must have heard dozens of disfellowshipping talks over the years but never another like that one.
The disfellowshipped brother moved in with his study, I believe they eventually married. He was probably 20 years older than me so has probably gone by now.
my wife's family rode motorcycles all their life.
her grandfather was an elder.
i was told by some dubbers that it was not christian to use a motorcycle.
The idea that Harley Davidsons are somehow are in bad taste is out and out crazy.
The Atlantic divides humour as well as bike choices JY!
my wife's family rode motorcycles all their life.
her grandfather was an elder.
i was told by some dubbers that it was not christian to use a motorcycle.
I think this may be a country thing. Here in the UK it has never been a problem for me, I have been a biker all my life. I still know elders who ride bikes, one has a Hyabusa, BMW S100RR, etc. Many others including mine which I will not list as it could ID me/them.
I remember one brother who came to the meeting on his bike, brought his suit to change into from his leathers but forgot his shoes. All through his talk people were looking at his boots squeezed under his suit trousers.
I must say I don't know anyone who rides a Harley however. They're such bad taste...….
(Awaiting multi dislikes)
I have just watched this, very good programme. I doubt it will awaken many JW's but may well do good to outsiders.
It also explains why the Charity Commission registration for each congregation is being dropped.
Once this new arrangement has been implemented removing all the congregations as registered charities the CC will have no jurisdiction whatever. I wonder if this is one of the reasons for the move. The WT Society of Britain will claim all the tax refunds etc.
Sad to say this programme with Victoria Derbyshire is being axed as part of the BBC cost cutting exercise. More likely a case she has asked a few too many pointed questions over the years.